Sunday, October 5. 2014
What's Wrong With "Closer"
It's the photographs. They're not a lie after all, they are not even accessory parts. They are obsolete. Yes, there are a few fine moments when photography, and even its product, is beautifully strong in this picture. But in the end, it doesn't really matter that Anna is a photographer. She could be a hair stylist, or of any other profession to do with getting close to people. Also Dan's profession is not of much consequence, if you miss out that, at the final scene of the movie you could imagine that he could be composing an obituary for her - for "Alice". Especially when he finds out that he didn't even know her real name. And there is only a tiny little bit of irony in Larry giving Dan information about "Alice's" whereabouts on a perscription.
But it's the photographs that don't matter at all while the film contuinues, and so this metaphor isn't one, and cannot justify the title. They're hardly built into the story in the beginning, and they're practically non-existent, at the end.
But it's the photographs that don't matter at all while the film contuinues, and so this metaphor isn't one, and cannot justify the title. They're hardly built into the story in the beginning, and they're practically non-existent, at the end.
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