I'm lying when I say I like my life
And I'm lying when I say I don't
I'm lying when I say it will suffice
And I'm lying when I say it won't
I'm lying when I say I'm quite alright
And I'm lying that my health is poor
I'm lying that I lie awake at night
and that I'm dead asleep for sure
I'm lying that my days are filled with work
And that I have no time to spare
I'm lying, when I nearly go berserk
That I'd have a brief moment to share
I'm lying about me being straight
And I'm lying about being queer either
I'm lying about ever having found my fate
So it might be truly I'm neither
But I never lie about the only trait
That is not as bad as it seems
And I'm definitely sure at any rate
I'm proud about my dreams
© 2015